Monday, April 11, 2011

Strings and Tuning

You may have noticed that some strings on the harp are red, others a dull gray, and others a darker blue or black color. This is to help the harpist keep their orientation and find the notes more quickly and accurately.  All the C’s on the harp are red, and all the F’s are black or a dark blue. The strings in-between are not dyed, but they may vary in color due to their composition: approximately 10 of the lowest strings are steel; the majority of the strings in the middle are gut; and the top 10 or so are nylon. A typical pedal harp is tuned so that it is in C major when the pedals are in there natural position, allowing for any key signature to be played with the proper placement of the pedals.
A lever harp, on the other hand, is usually tuned to the key of E flat. All the E, A, and B, levers must be in the sharp position in order to play in the key of C major.

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