Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Harp

This is my harp. It is a concert pedal harp from Lyon and Healy; style 85 XP Petite with extended soundboard. It has 40 strings and weighs approximately 62 pounds. My family and I drove to Chicago and toured Lyon and Healy's harp factory before purchasing one. It was amazing to see the intricacy that goes into making each harp.  They are all hand made by skilled carpenters, and decorated and finished with precision and detail. While some harps are simpler, others have unique carvings and designs, and still others are entirely gold plated with beautiful engravings. I'll tell you a bit more about my tour of the harp factory next week. Be sure to subscribe to get e-mail updates. I have an abundance of information about harps, music styles, performing, and more to share with you! Don't miss it!

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